
Judith and Holofernes

朱迪斯是历代欧洲艺术家所喜爱的角色,有着大量相关的绘画、雕塑、戏剧作品,主要描述为以色列女英雄,斩下敌军元帅首级的情节为主。从文艺复兴时代到20世纪的各种艺术形式,都曾以这个故事为题材创作了大量艺术作品。《圣经》的“朱迪斯记”( Book of Judith)记载的主要几个故事人物如下:

1.Nebuchadnezzar’s War (1-7:32) There is a military struggle underway, with the Persian forces invading the states to the west of its borders. Nebuchadnezzar’s army, led by Holofernes, besieges the hilltop town of Bethulia. The townspeople think that God has abandoned them, and beg their leaders to surrender. Playing for time, the leading citizen Uzziah suggests they pray, asking God for a further five days. If God does not deliver them in this time, they will surrender.

2.Judith and the Elders (8:1-9.14) The beautiful and respected Judith, a wealthy widow of Bethulia, confronts the town leaders. Their plan, she says, is not the right course of action. She herself has a secret plan, which she begins to put into action: she grooms herself so that she is alluringly beautiful, then leaves the city during the night.

3.Judith and Holofernes.  Judith meets and bowls over the enemy general, Holofernes. He plans to seduce her, but she turns the tables on him.She waits until he is drunk and sleeping, then she kills him by hacking off his head as he lies in a drunken stupor.

4.Aftermath, and the Song of Judith. She and her faithful maid take the head back to Bethulia, and hangs it on the outer walls of the town. When the enemy troops realize they have lost their leader they panic, and are easy prey for the Israelite troops. Judith has saved her people, and is hailed as a national heroine.


